Post Your Event

We are always looking for new information to update our resources. If you have any written piece that focuses towards financial health, please feel free to submit your document for our review. We accept original content and do not republish any article. However, an author can easily submit an already published article using the correct filters in the form as below.

Your Details

This information allows us to contact you about your submission. Your contact information will not be displayed on our website.

Please enter the organization where you work or study. If you are independent, please type "Independent."

Event Details

This information allows us to contact you about your submission. Your contact information will not be displayed on our website.

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Please provide the public URL where you can view this publication. Include the complete URL in this format: Only in cases where the publication is not available online, FH Community of Practice will accept a PDF.

Maximum 10 files.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.


Provide a one to two paragraph summary of the publication. Make sure to highlight the most relevant, useful information for the FH Community of Practice audience of inclusive finance.

By submitting any content to FH Community of Practice, I certify that I have the right to publish and share this content, and will not be in violation of any copyright or privacy rights.